

7 Posts

Pistolets and charcuterie

Belgian pistolets, or kadetjes, are unrivaled anywhere in the world. They come in different sizes and origins: white, brown, light, crusty,… They are always …

Paprika potato chips

Paprika potato chips are by far my favorite chips variety, yet they don’t seem to be available anywhere else but a few European countries? But roast …

Belgian fries from the Frituur/friterie/fritery

The only true way to enjoy Belgian fries, is from the frituur (fritery) on the street. Some even still serve them in a puntzak. My favourite combo is with …

Oufti - frozen chocolate covered banana slices

This is just a brilliant concept: frozen banana slices covered in chocolate. A delicious little snack. I’ve only found these at Belgian cinemas, …

Beuling - Bloed worst - Black pudding

I’m a fan of what we call beuling, with apple compote (sauce). Similar to the Scottish black pudding, the Flemish version is the size of a banana, and is …

Belgian Waffles 101

This is a Brussels waffle. It’s light and crunchy, served on a plate and comes covered in powdered (icing) sugar. Optionally with fresh cream on the side, …

iPhone in Belgium

The AP writes “Quirk in Belgian law drives iPhones near $1,000“. The article compares it to the AT&T locked in price of $299, which isn’t fair though. …