Hugo with Google Sheets
Using Google Sheets with Hugo to create a news article archive.
Using Google Sheets with Hugo to create a news article archive.
Using Cloudflare Workers on>
I’ve been working a bit on, which used to be a single page site initially, but got an additional landing page for puppy class enrolment.
Upon …
For reference. Because I’ve been staring at this for a while. Using the right link tag in the head, and a valid ico image file, IE11 would not display the …
After seven years, a simple refresh of
Browsers have a zoom functionality, to zoom in or out, enlarging or shrinking the content in the browser window (using CTRL plus scrollwheel on mouse, or CTRL …
Encountered an error in IE11 a while ago using the Swagger UI, on a DELETE REST request, which returned “HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type” error, while …
Remember the LP? I’m not really talking about the actual vinyl, but the cardboard cover it was encased by. Some artist aspired it to be a work of art, …