Hugo-GitHub migration

After two decades on Wordpress, I migrated this site to a Hugo static blog, used to create lightning-fast websites without sacrificing design or performance. It’s hosted on GitHub and deployed to Cloudflare for improved scalability and security, reduced hosting costs (free), better SEO, and increased performance on mobile devices.

No more potential of hacked plugins, spam comments,… or the need to use Wordfence and Jetpack.

It will be a bit more technical to post anything for sure (no cross posting anymore? Or GitHub Flows?), but I got my iPad flow going with Working Copy (as Git client) and Textastic as editor and Compressor Pro to resize and compress images.

It’s good to get these posts out of a database, which was quite easy to do with a Jekyll Export Wordpress plugin, which exported the posts as Markdown files including all the linked wp-content image files.

There is a bit of a cleanup to do, but all in all it was quite easy and quick to migrate.

I seem to have used Posterous for a while, which no longer exists, but a lot of posts point to, so those things are (and will stay) broken. Shame.

There’s quite a bit of banal stuff, twitter-cross posts I guess. But I’m glad I have these posts, as a time capsule.

Made With Love In site screenshot
I also did the same for Made With Love In (my Aussie startup project), which is now blazing fast.

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