There’s a huge community buzz around the Asus Eeepc, and I don’t think they saw that coming. They sold 350.000 of them in the last quarter of 2007, 50.000 more than anticipated. They are targetting the EeePC at first time PC users like kids to take to school and do some homework or students to take to class (‘classmate’), or elderly as their main, cheap pc (although I think the screen would be too small, and the touchpad not suited) to keep in touch with family and friends. Or as a secondary pc for the wife, kids to browse the internet, read e-mails, chat. Or as a travel compagnion for on-the-go internet wherever there is wifi (’travelmate’). The eee stands for: Easy to learn, Easy to work, Easy to play.

I have been holding out for a while (it was released on December 2nd, but sold out after 3 days), but couldn’t hold no longer, as they became available at OfficeWorks near our office. Initially exclusively available at Myer (RRP A$499), I guess this only was for 2007, as of now they are also available at Officeworks (A$488) and other stores.

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Asus 701 EeePC − Australia
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Asus 701 EeePC − Australia


Asus 701 EeePC – Australia


There’s a huge community buzz around the Asus Eeepc, and I don’t think they saw that coming. They …

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The iPhone Webclip Icon, the new favicon

I’ve updated my iPod Touch with the latest paid upgrade, and I’ve since been busy creating my own Webclip icons for my websites. It’s actually …

The iPhone Webclip Icon, the new favicon