I’ve been geotagging my Sydney photos on Flickr using MultiMap, which gives you the longitude and latitude, and then add links to Google Maps satellite photos of the location. It’s either the location of the subject of the photo or the approximate point of view where the picture was taken. The pictures with satellite photo links can be found here, or just browse my Sydney collection and click the link when one’s included.
More about geotagging on Wikipedia.

Google and the online office
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Google and the online office

Google took over Writely, a very nice online document editor. And they are working on an online spreadsheets app.
They also have a calendar application in the …

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Philips HDRW 720 experience


Philips HDRW 720 experience

This article describes my experiences with a Philips harddisc/dvd recorder.
Read all the way through to the end and …

Philips HDRW 720 experience