Looking to buy a Canon 6D online? Cheap? Well, look out, because there are in fact 2 versions: one with and one without Wifi and GPS. And the online store sure don’t point that out. Why would anyone want to buy a 6D without Wifi/GPS, one of its main advertised features? The one without Wifi and GPS is the 6D(N) (N for Naked) and is intended for countries where Canon is not allowed to sell devices with Wifi and/or GPS. The one with Wifi/GPS is called 6D(WG), and that’s what you’d get in the local highstreet stores. So if you see a cheap 6D online, even if it is from an Australian retailer with ABN and Australian address, they might source their 6D overseas (while offering local warranty), but you might not get what you were after.

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Showcasing local (Australian) web talent


For MadeWithLove.in, I’m looking for locally produced (in your suburb, city, country (starting with Australia)), web/tech-related products, like cool, …

Showcasing local (Australian) web talent