As tweeted earlier, I’ve managed to loose 5kg in 6 weeks. That last kilo was a bit harder, taking me two weeks, but I managed to get my first target of the year.

Next target is another 5kg, which I should be able to reach by April.

So, as a couple of people have asked, how did I do it? Fitness daily? The carrot diet? The beer diet? Shakes?
Common sense, really. I was eating warm lunch, and another warm dinner, and that really got my weight spiralling upwards. Now, dinner is salad. Mind you, still with dressing, and tasty ingredients (I’m not a rabbit after all).

Nothing much else has changed: I don’t go to fitness, I walk 20 minutes twice every day (to work), I eat foodcourt lunches (beef rendang, asian noodles, sandwiches, pasta,…), have coffee in the morning, once a week a banana bread for breakfast (I used to have three a week, which was pretty bad), a piece of dark chocolate in the evening, a glass of wine (or two :) in the evening,…

And a royal salad for dinner, with ingredients like:

  • recurring: lettuce (iceberg, or curly), tomato, cucumber, carrots, pepitas, sunflower seeds
  • variation: hard cheese cubes, mozzarella, herring, avocado, mandarins, mango, apple and bacon, chicken fillet, steak or wagyu burger (yum! but red meat max once a week)…
  • and a dash of dressing (balsamic, 1000 island, a dash of mayo,…)

And just by changing our dinner, I lost 5kg in 6 weeks, and it looks like (and I hope) I can still loose more, though I wonder when I’ll hit the ceiling (and I’d need to get more physical activity to loose more).