I don’t remember who it was they were quoting yesterday morning at Sun’s Let’s Talk breakfast presentation on Cloud computing, but Facebook being defined as “Friendship as a Service” kinda made sense.

In which case LinkedIn would be “Reputation as a Service”, I guess, and as Reputation Management as a business slowly starts to take off (as a specialization of SEO), this service could well be considered “Reputation as a Service” too: SocialRecommendator.com. Give it some information like a name, company name, position,… and it generates a randomised recommendation for use in endorsements on sites like LinkedIn or Xing (refresh to get another one).

It even sort of has an API, returning plain text:

Get hacked, get charged, get offline
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Get hacked, get charged, get offline

This is a fictitious story about a small Australian business owner, let’s say a Dentist. One day she decides to spend her marketing dollars on a website, …

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What happened to the design? CSS Naked Day April 9

Yes, it’s international CSS Naked Day today! That’s why everything looks a bit black and white (and blue).

You wonder why? CSS Naked Day is about …

What happened to the design? CSS Naked Day April 9