StartupCamp is on this weekend, an event that brings together 20-something multidiciplinary individuals to set up an online business over the weekend. It started Friday evening with pitching ideas, went on through the night with development, all through Saturday, with a 10PM launch. That leaves today Sunday for promotion.

This is what they came up with (remember, all in about 24 hours): – gets you there on time is a new traffic information service for NSW drivers. This free website delivers up to the minute RTA traffic alerts (accidents, road works and alerts) and photos from live traffic cameras. Receive warnings about your commute before you leave home and see what’s happening on the roads right now.
What’s got Twitter’s attention right now? Which sites are your friends talking about? – see the sites.
uTag rewards the value that people pass on to their online social networks. Instead of being punished for pointing readers at interesting external sites, uTaggers can now share in the rewards.

Check it out!

2001, a browser's Odyssey: IE6 turns seven
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2001, a browser's Odyssey: IE6 turns seven

2001, the year of 911 – Twin Towers, and IE 6.

IE 6 is seven years old today. Amazing how time flies. “2001, a browser’s Odyssey”. Where were you on …

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Good times are coming

Looking forward to next weekend already. In just over a week Web Directions South, the major Australian Web development conference, kicks of with 2-day …

Good times are coming