Next Sydney WebStandardsGroup meeting:
“Findability: going beyond SEO”
Presenter: Radica Raeves

Search engine optimisation is usually the first subject that comes to mind when thinking about ways to improve the visibility of your organisation online. But it’s only a piece of the puzzle. In order to help the intended audience find, use and reuse your information, we need to look beyond SEO. Findability could help complete the puzzle. It’s a much broader concept, touching on almost every aspect of the web design and development process, where specialist fields intersect and overlap. We need to try and identify these elements of findability and “plug” them into the user-centred design workflow. It’s a big challenge… Can we connect the dots and bridge the gaps?”

And two iPhone presentations.
Be there!

Gruen Transfer airs Whopper Freakout
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Gruen Transfer airs Whopper Freakout

Missed the buzz last year, but yesterday ABC’s Gruen Transfer aired (part of) the Whopper Freakout, what happens when Burger King cancels their signature …

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Apple iPhone 3G - Australia


Apple iPhone 3G – Australia

12 August 2008

You can read about the 1st gen iPhone there, which I’ve been using for 10 months now. Of course when …

Apple iPhone 3G - Australia