Today’s BarCamp Sydney, second edition in 2007. Unfortunately the UTS open day was also on, so we didn’t get the rooms we expected. Still great turn up, great presentations, great fun. Wikis, Collaboration, REST, Facebook,…
I had my first try out: “MAAA! Markup as an API”. Trying to get a discussion on on portability of published data, “publish once, publish anywhere”.
Check it out on SlideShare.

Website in a day − a 24 hours web−a−thon
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Website in a day − a 24 hours web−a−thon

This weekend on in Sydney: FullCodePress. A trans-tasman grudgematch between a New Zealand and an Australian web design team, each developing a non-profit, best …

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A busy month of web conferences: Oz−IA, Web Directions, Hatch day

( “Oz-IA/2007 - Sydney, September 22nd/23rd 2007”) Still recovering from BarCampSydney2 on only last weekend, an other …

A busy month of web conferences: Oz−IA, Web Directions, Hatch day