As Apple introduces Spotlight in the next OS X release (towards summer 05), Google beta’s its own Desktop Search program (for Windows). It works as fast as the main page, but it also looks the same. Not so cool as the spotlight feature in the next OS X. (I’ll keep an eye on ZoneAlarm to see if anything passes down to the mothership). But another desktop search program is grabbing the headlines: X1. It looks way cooler than the Google thing, check out the flash demo. You can also download a trial for you to try. If you use the search tool in windows once in a while, then you know it takes ages to find something on your system. These desktop search tools make it a breeze…
You can add the Desktop Search also to the Google Deskbar, and a keyword for the search field in your Firefox bookmark. Do this (in Firefox): call the Desktop Search page, right click the search field, you get a ‘add a keyword for this search’, give it a name , and enter a ‘keyword’ which can be as short as a single letter (eg ’d’). Now you can enter in the Firefox address bar ’d cars’ and the Google Desktop window pops up with your search results.

Star Wars shines
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Star Wars shines

Cleaning up three Star Wars movies in three months, with 600 G5 Macs (dual processor, 4Gb mem each). Take a 360 look in their server room at the Apple site.
An …

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If you love sushi, why not have sushi in bed…
Have a look here.
H***, if you love sushi and chocolate, look at this, chocolate sushi and choc-sticks. Looks …
