-4 prawns per person (for starters) (best is fresh of course) -one little part of garlic, finely shopped or squeezed -pepper and salt -some side salad to garnish -cooking butter, olive oil Spread the finely grated parmeggiano cheese on a plate, add some pepper. Clean the prawns (no shell, tail etc), and roll them through the finely grated parmeggiano cheese so the cheese sticks Heat the butter/oil. Bake the prawns a few minutes on each side. Season some more with pepper and salt, to your liking. When a cheesy crust starts to form, add the garlic. When the prawns have a fine crust on each side, you're done. It's that easy. Put them on a plate with some side salad, to finish sprinkle a bit of left-over parmeggiano on top.

Prawns parmeggiano/Photo:HiromiK

Update: Apparantly, it's also low-carb, Atkins friendly.
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Delicious prawns recipe: prawns with parmeggiano


  • 4 prawns per person (for starters) …
