Free concert of the 5-6-7-8’s, famed for their appearance in Kill Bill Vol1, right across the border in Lille (France), Saturday 29th of May at 18h at Place de la Nouvelle Aventure. Make it a day trip to explore the 2004 Cultural Capital of Europe, and visit the Japanese expo “Akimahen!” and the Nuits Nippones.

Webby Awards 04 - best of the web
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Webby Awards 04 - best of the web

Wednesday May 12, the winners will be presented. Here are the nominees. My favorite? Pure NZ, ha.


Check out
‘Ahnuld for Governor’, …

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Philips HDRW720

Update: continue reading on my Philips HDRW720 page.


A PVR, personal video recorder, recording TV on a harddisc.
Have it for a week now, been …

Philips HDRW720