Finally a new personal homepage, after all those years. Back in early 1997, I set up my first homepage. You know, you got this massive 5 Mb’s of webspace from your ISP, with this long, difficult URL. Animated gifs and javascript rollovers where the latest cool thing to do. I bet those early pages are still out there (in fact I know they are), but I switched ISP years ago, and don’t know the credentials of that account any more (to remove it)…

I started working in the Internet bubble back then, and today am still working for the same boss. How about that? The company has had its highs and lows, but it’s still around, so we must be doing something right. In the ‘about’ pages you’ll read what I’ve been up to in this company, and outside of work.

Because of the work I do, I got interested in subjects as diverse as web development (of course), security in web development and networking, usability of websites and online marketing. Throughout the years I’ve read hundreds of articles, and bought way too many books (I should have gotten me some Amazon shares…) about these subjects. You’ll find some articles under the ‘features’ section.

I always seem to start a website but never get to finish it. I always have these brilliant ideas. Don’t we all? In 1999 we moved to the beautiful city of Bruges (Brugge), so I wanted to get me a city of Bruges reference site and bought Or another one: I love my PTCruiser, so set up, but again, never quite finished it (did I even start?). That’s the kind of personal projects you’ll find under ‘project’.

In the ‘links’ section I keep a handy list of interesting links I want to share, and keep around.

The ‘labroom’ holds some experiments and exercises with different web technologies (flash, javascript, xml,…).

Maybe calling this ‘finally’ is a bit too early. Still have a lot of work to do. This one isn’t finished just yet…

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New Zealand

Working on a new travel site,, for our trip to New Zealand. Check it out soon.

EDIT: Find it on WayBack Machine: …

New Zealand