web development

web development

13 Posts
Hugo with Google Sheets

Hugo with Google Sheets

I run an EV newsletter over on https://revolution.guide, which uses a Google Sheets spreadsheet to collect links for each edition. It has a date, title and URL …

Hugo-GitHub migration

Hugo-GitHub migration

After two decades on Wordpress, I migrated this site to a Hugo static blog, used to create lightning-fast websites without sacrificing design or performance. …

Cloudflare Workers

Converted https://socialrecommendator.com to a statically hosted, serverless cloud function invoking, single page app, from the single page php it was for 10 …

Firefox Reader View

Firefox Reader View

I’ve been working a bit on mindful.dog, which used to be a single page site initially, but got an additional landing page for puppy class enrolment. Upon …

Missing favicon in IE11

For reference. Because I’ve been staring at this for a while. Using the right link tag in the head, and a valid ico image file, IE11 would not display the …

Social Recommendator update

Social Recommendator update

After seven years, a simple refresh of http://socialrecommendator.com.

Browser zooming and CSS layout issues

Browser zooming and CSS layout issues

Browsers have a zoom functionality, to zoom in or out, enlarging or shrinking the content in the browser window (using CTRL plus scrollwheel on mouse, or CTRL …

HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type

HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type

Encountered an error in IE11 a while ago using the Swagger UI, on a DELETE REST request, which returned “HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type” error, while …

The rebirth of the Long Play (LP) record

Remember the LP? I’m not really talking about the actual vinyl, but the cardboard cover it was encased by. Some artist aspired it to be a work of art, …