Bookmarklet for your browser
Click, pop, point.
Add the Mapanui bookmarkletAn interactive browser bookmark/favorite using Javascript to add additional information to your browser’s bookmark bar, and locate addresses you find on smart websites on a pop-up map
Use the Mapanui search function to look up an address on not-so-smart websites, without leaving the page.
Use the inbuild Google Local search to look for local business in addition to the address you're looking at.
Print the page, including the map, to take with you.
The power and convenience of Google Maps at your fingertips!
Get the Bookmarklet! Add it to your bookmarks!
Floating map for websites
Make your website smarter by adding smart address data to your website.
This makes it easier for people and web-based services (like Mapanui), to find your address data, as more and more web services are taking Microformats into account.
And add a Mapanui link so your visitors can find you, without sacrificing your layout, without dealing with complicated programming code, and without sending your visitors away to Google Maps.
Add a Mapanui link to your blogpost to show people what you're talking about, add additional context, improve your readers' experience.
Create your smart address. Copy/paste into your site or blogpost.
Web 2.0The Interactive Web, facilitating information sharing and human collaboration through user-generated content. and Web 3.0The Semantic Web, or the Web of Data, allowing you to find, share, and combine information more easily. approved ;-)